No matter if you are a total beginner to angling or returning after a break we can build a suitable starter kit from
as little as £30 for rod reel line,hooks,weights,floats in a matched set up that is suitable for any of our local waters,a
Carp Kit from £30 to £300 or a starter kit for sea fishing from £35.We pride ourselves in offering
kits suited to the actual fishing in our local area and giving you a good base to start with and all you will need to add
is bait.
Simply tell us where you want to fish and an idea of how much you wish to spend and leave the rest to us. We are very
conscious that people have less money to spend on their hobbies with everything in life costing more while wages stay the
same so we have economy versions of most things to get you started in whichever style of fishing you wish to try. If
you are buying a present for someone we also sell vouchers from £5 if that is your preferred method instead of
guessing what they may want.
We also do a telescopic 4 or 5 metre whip with a float rig and disgorger from £10 and a 6 metre for £15,just
add bait and off you go. If you want a take apart pole we have a take apart pole ready elasticated with free
rig from just £20. If you want a starter kit for lure fishing /spinning these start from £25. We are always happy to build a starter set to your requirements to include seatboxes, chairs, landing nets Luggage
etc.always at competitive prices.
All anglers need to purchase an Environment Agency Rod Licence available from any post office or direct from the EA online
before going fishing anywhere in freshwater. Permission to fish is also normally required from whoever owns the fishing
rights often by purchasing a "Day Ticket" or a "Season Permit" if in doubt ask us.
Prescot Angling Centre for all your angling needs 0151-426-5011.